What Brings Me Joy

My Mom is Super Busy. She will Get to This Page Soon…
Hi! I’m Riley and I’m an Irish Terrier. Mom and Dad say we’re the best dogs ever. We’re their babies and are at the top of the list of what brings my Mom joy. If you think I’m cute, just wait until you meet Piper! She’s my girlfriend. And Dooley, he’s an old guy. She loves all of us and takes us on long walks in the woods, throws sticks and balls for us to chase. I think we are her favorite of all… me especially. Like I said, top of the list.
She does all kinds of things though. She loves growing things, cooking yummy stuff, spending time with Daddy and my Grandmama, taking walks with our pack, taking pictures of us and of other stuff, and all kinds of other things….so I’ll leave it to her to tell you.