What is a Session?

You’re here because you are seeking change in some area of your life. So, what do we mean by “Session”?

Merriam-Webster: A session is a meeting or period devoted to a particular activity.

This means that I am devoting a set amount of time with you to help you resolve whatever is going on in your life. The name Right Path Hypnosis implies that it’s one-size-fits-all. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a highly trained master practitioner who uses the most advanced techniques and latest technology to access your subconscious mind. So many of my clients have tried the route of self-development and self-help programs that have fallen short of the mark because they just work with the conscious mind. These programs employ short-term tools like rational thinking and willpower to effect change. The problem with those programs is you must remember to do the things you have studied.

I work directly with the unconscious mind (often referred to as the subconscious mind), which houses your emotions, memories, long-term habits, and imagination, and is ultimately responsible for up to 95% of your behavior. So change doesn’t have to be the same old battle of willpower against self-limiting thoughts and behavior patterns. Yes, I use Hypnotherapy, and I also use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy™, and Breakthrough Coaching to help you release old belief systems and negative habits, and then replace them with suggestions for positive self-talk and empowering behavior. Once your unconscious mind has accepted these positive suggestions, the change you desire is automatically sustained by way of new thought patterns and/or habits of behavior.

Let’s Start with a Hypnosis Session. What is a Hypnosis Session like?

First, you will be guided into a very deep state of physical and mental relaxation. You will feel very relaxed but extremely mentally alert. You’ll be aware of everything going on around you. While you are in this relaxed state, we use a combination of NLP techniques and hypnosis to remove the old programming that was keeping you achieving your goals or causing a problem and give your powerful unconscious mind suggestions for the positive changes you desire. This allows you to make your desired changes easily and quickly.

The final element of your session will include emerging you from your deep state of hypnosis with suggestions of good health and a positive attitude. You will feel better than you have for a long, long time.

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Sports Performance Coaching. Many of the Greats Use Mental Coaches.

Hypnosis has also been used extensively in professional sports by greats such as Tiger Woods, who seemed to come out of nowhere as a young golfer. His father had employed a mental coach – a hypnotist – to train young Tiger’s mind, while is coach trained his body. Are you an athlete who struggles to improve? Or perhaps your child has lost their momentum in their sports performance. If so, Angella is known for her expertise in helping athletes improve.

All athletes depend on their mind body connection to perform at their personal best. Mental blocks happen. Even professionals get them. Get to the root cause with hypnosis.

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Hypnosis for Weight Loss – Stop Struggling

End yo-yo dieting. It’s not all about starving yourself or becoming a triathlete. Achieving and maintaining a healthy body requires taking care of the mind as well. The benefits of personal hypnosis sessions for weight loss include helping you to become more calm and in control of your eating choices. Most people notice that they stop watching the scale and start choosing activities and food that help speed up their metabolism. The mind’s normal internal battle between “what to do and what not to do” is replaced with healthy attitudes that help making the correct choices automatic and natural.

Break the cycle today. Take back control of your life and stop letting life and food control you. Get healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically with hypnosis for weight loss.

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Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation – Stop One Last Time

Would you like to stop smoking now and for the rest of your life? If you are thinking about quitting smoking, the stop smoking with hypnosis program can only help you quit smoking if you truly want to quit for the right reason. If you can hold a cigarette in your hand, look at it and honestly say “I don’t like you and I don’t want you in my life anymore,” hypnosis is for you.

Your doctor has told you to stop. Your spouse, your kids, your friends… none of that matters until YOU have had enough. Angella is ready to help you stop smoking and remain a non-smoker for life!

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*NEW* Rewired Success Breakthrough Coaching

Do you have a major presenting problem in your life that you just don’t have time spend years working though it? What if you could take years of inner work and do it in two days and four 1-hour follow-up calls? Seriously.

You are a busy professional growing your business or career. You are facing a major obstacle or dilemma in your life that you just cannot move through. The idea of weekly therapy – forget it! You don’t have the time nor bandwidth to deal with that.

This session is for you. Spend two days with Angella and rewire your success at the deep core level. Whether is it lifting the lid on your success, personal relationship issues, health, family, substance use, or whatever else has stopped you in your tracks, click on the image to learn more and see how this has helped others.

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Angela has been involved with hypnosis for over 20 years. She attended many National Guild of Hypnosis conventions with her friend and hypnotist, Laura King, prior to becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist. Angela attended Laura’s hypnosis certification class in 2012 and immediately opened her practice. In 2019, Angela became a Certified Instructor. She also took extensive training courses in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy, graduating in 2020 as a Master NLP Coach.

GPS May Take You to the Wrong Location!

The fastest way to find my office is to enter the Williamscraft Office Park from Piedmont Road, west of Sandy Plains Road. The entrance is just past Casual Image Outdoor Furniture. Follow the main road through the office park around to the right, and turn into the parking lot on your left just past the blue dumpster. My office is the last one of the left (facing the building it is the far right end).