More tools and a bigger tool chest.

What are NLP and Time Line Therapy™ and why would I need them if hypnotherapy works?

Hypnosis changed my life. I chose to pay it forward as a hypnotherapist helping others make lasting change as well. The power of the subconscious / unconscious mind is amazing in its ability to shift out of longstanding patterns with the use of positive suggestions. It took a little over three years for me to resolve myself around relationship. My first go at marriage was a really rough one. Two years of consistent talk therapy allowed me to have an understanding of the *how* and even when I believed I was ready for the dating world again, I learned over time that there was still a problem.

As a hypnotherapist I had used some of the NLP tools Laura taught me inside of hypnosis sessions. There were some blocks that just would not budge with certain clients, and I knew I needed to learn more. When the Recalibrate 360 training course was in our area, I jumped at the chance to take this course. Clay Champey, who works out of my office, invited me as his “plus one” offered by Recalibrate 360 after everything opened back up. This gift changed everything!

The Deep Dive

Seven days. Seven days from 10:00AM - 9:00PM drinking from a fire hose of information. Learn. Practice the technique. Feedback. Learn Practice the technique. Feedback. Learn. Practice the technique. Feedback. And so it went for days, all the while stressing over the test that was due before we finished the class. We all worked together, supporting each other. Friendships were forged, and lives were changed.

We learned that the mind can split off into parts that create inner conflict; and we learned to resolve it. We learned that releasing the five major negative emotions through Time Line Therapy is a way to shrink years of Gestalt therapy into a couple of hours. We learned that limiting beliefs can come from a time before, during, or after our birth; and we learned to resolve it. And then we learned that there is more. Lots more. 16 days more....

Written by : Angela

Angela Ocheltree-Storey has been involved with hypnosis since 2003, and became a Certified Hypnotherapist practicing full time since 2012 in the metro Atlanta area.

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