Are You Afraid to be Hypnotized?

Hollywood has depicted hypnosis in movies and TV series as mind control. Stage hypnotists give the impression that anyone can be manipulated with hypnosis. Some religions instill fear hypnosis, saying it can be used to invite or open you up to evil.

These are the most common sources of “education” about hypnosis, leading many to think that hypnosis literally means “to be put into an unconscious state where you have no control.”

Nothing Could Be Further from the Truth!

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a relaxed state with focused concentration, during which the unconscious mind allows and accepts suggestions for change. The medical community has been taking a deep look into how hypnosis works, using brain scans and other tests to see what areas of the brain are affected during hypnosis. These scans are being performed by the medical establishment to understand why hypnosis is so effective in such a variety of medical areas, including anesthesia, accelerating healing, reducing scarring, IBS, certain childhood respiratory disorders, manage pain, stress, and anxiety, combat phobias, Bruxism (teeth grinding) and more.

The medical community is convinced hypnosis works for creating better health. It is also extremely effective for getting rid of unwanted habits and altering behaviors. All that is necessary is a genuine desire to change.

Why can’t I just make lasting change on my own?

You are the result of what has been programmed through the years into your unconscious mind. All the positive and negative words and actions by your parents, coaches, teachers, siblings, friends, aunts, uncles, employers, and especially by you, have created your view of yourself. If you think of yourself as fat, then you unconsciously eat more than you need to stay fat. If you identify yourself as a smoker, you smoke and so on… with shyness, poor self-image, test taking anxiety and other problems.

Angella is able to access those deepest beliefs and help you reprogram them, letting go of those old thought patterns and replacing them with positive thoughts and actions.

But I’m not sure I’m a good candidate – I don’t know if I can be hypnotized…

FACT: 99% of the population can be hypnotized because hypnosis is a natural state of mind. You enter some form of hypnosis several times each day, while driving, watching TV or a movie, reading a book, even daydreaming is a form of self-hypnosis. Anyone can be hypnotized providing the following:

  • They want to be hypnotized
  • They do not have fears or misconceptions about hypnosis and how it works.

If you have ever been so focused on something, e.g., TV, a movie, or driving, that you lost all track of time and everything else around you, you have been in a state of hypnosis.

What if I get stuck in hypnosis?

If at any time you want to emerge for any reason, you will be able to open your eyes and become fully alert.

Will I lose control in any way during hypnosis?

No. You are in control of whether you enter the hypnotic state, what suggestions your unconscious mind accepts, and you also have the ability to bring yourself out of hypnosis at any time. You maintain your free will. No one can make you say or do anything in the hypnosis that you would not do in a waking state.

Can you make me tell you things I don’t want to tell you?

See answer above… and it is completely unethical and illegal to attempt to get information like passwords or account information. More importantly, no one can make you give up information in hypnosis against your will, nor would we at Right Path Hypnosis!

We can, however, work with the unconscious mind to help you remember things, and it is done with full permission and a conscious awareness as we work with the unconscious.

Will, I remember what was said during the session?

Most people hear and remember every word that is said by the hypnotherapist.

Will you make me bark like a dog?

Not unless you want to!

Will you use a pocket watch to hypnotize me?

No. There are many ways to induce the hypnotic state, and the most commonly used method is simply for the client to follow the hypnotist’s words to relax.. and go deeper and deeper, relax.

What is a Session like?

Your session with Angella will be an extremely pleasant experience. First, you will receive an email with new client form. Use this form to explain the reason you are coming in for a session, and either return it via email or bring it with you; or you can simply fill it out when you come in. At your first session she will explain hypnosis, so your conscious mind understands about the dynamics of behavior. You will know more about hypnosis and how your minds work than 99% of the general public!

During your initial session, your hypnotist will discuss your goals or issues and how you can most quickly achieve your desired results. Your actual hypnosis session will begin when you are completely comfortable with hypnosis and feel good about working with your hypnotist.

First, you will be guided into a very deep state of physical and mental relaxation. You will feel very relaxed but extremely mentally alert. You’ll be aware of everything going on around you. While you are in this relaxed state, Angella uses a combination of NLP techniques and hypnosis to remove the old programming that was keeping you achieving your goals or causing a problem and give your powerful unconscious mind suggestions for the positive changes you desire. This allows you to make your desired changes easily and quickly.

The third element of your session will include emerging you from your deep state of hypnosis with suggestions of good health and a positive attitude. You will feel better than you have for a long, long time.

Finally, your session will end with a brief discussion of your session making sure your desired change is felt within you and if necessary, setting up your next appointment and handling payment.