Practitioner to Master Practitioner and Coach
The Unconscious Mind is Programmed to Continually Seek More and More (Prime Directive #15)
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy™ Practitioner training left me wanting more. Enrolling in the Master Practitioner training program was a no-brainer for me, as I always want to have the right tools to help every client who chooses to come to me for assistance. Having master level training meant that I could offer a faster way to break through a major presenting problem.
Not everyone has years to work through their blocks (it took over three years of consistent work for me to open my heart and eyes to my wonderful Steve, who had been in my life and become my best friend over 11 months back in 2006). This master level training opened the door to work at a different level. With a total of 23 days in full immersion training under my belt, I am now able to offer a new service to those who want to resolve the blocks and move forward quickly.
A Rewired Success Breakthrough starts with a discovery call to see if it is right for the client. The process is hard work and lots of fun, culminating in two intense days of work with me with four weekly follow-up calls. Learn more here.
Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind
The basic building blocks of NLP is the prime directives of the Unconscious Mind (UM). The UM (also referred to as the Subconscious Mind) handles 93-95% of all that we do every day. If you stop and think about it (Conscious Mind), how much do you think about the bodily processes of breathing, your heart beating, digesting food, or of walking, driving, and all the other myriad of things we do all day? The UM handles everything for us so that the Conscious Mind can reason through things, make decisions based on logic, and think through situations.
If you are *thinking*, it is the Conscious Mind. Everything else is handled by your Unconscious Mind.
Here are the Prime Directives of the UM:
- Stores memories
- Is the domain of the emotions
- Organizes all of your memories
- Represses memories with unresolved negative emotion
- Presents repressed memories for resolution
- May keep repressed emotions repressed for protection
- Runs the body
- Preserves the body
- Is a highly moral being
- Enjoys serving, needs clear orders to follow
- Controls and maintains all perceptions
- Generates, stores, distributes, and transmits “energy”
- Maintains instincts and generates habits
- needs repetitions until a habit is installed
- Is programmed to continually seek more and more
- Functions best as a whole integrated unit
- Is symbolic
- Takes everything personally
- Works on the principle of least effort
- Does not process negatives
Written by : Angela
Angela Ocheltree-Storey has been involved with hypnosis since 2003, and became a Certified Hypnotherapist practicing full time since 2012 in the metro Atlanta area.
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