Still Trying to Quit Smoking? Make it your last time this time.

Angella Makes it Easy with Hypnosis to Stop Smoking!

Thank you Angela! After smoking for over 40 years and trying everything to quit, I thought it was impossible. After the first session with her I have had no craving or desire to even pick up a cigarette. I’ve even been to smoking bars having cocktails and still have not had the urge to smoke. I would recommend her and hypnosis to anyone who wants to quit!

Gary Wehunt, 2017

Angela is very talented. She help me quit smoking 2 years ago.

CC Clements, 2016

I tried everything from prescription drugs to cold turkey, and everything in between but never managed to quit smoking. Angella made it effortless. My last cigarette was on July 31, 2018, and it was so easy, I am still amazed. Angella is the best!

Mark K., 2019

I went to Angella to stop vaping and it was a success. If you show up ready, truly ready to change your habits, she will guide you to the other side. She is an absolute professional whose amazing in her field. She is also an amazing human being.

Sasha Sol, 2021

“…hypnosis is increasingly being used to help with everything from quitting smoking to recalling lost memories. – Sam Donaldson, Primetime Live

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis in Marietta

Hypnosis has been a method used to help individuals stop smoking for years, and is now recognized as a proven, reliable therapy to stop smoking in Marietta. The American Medical Association stated in 1958 that hypnosis was a useful tool. Hypnosis techniques have improved greatly in the past 56 years. We recommend four stop smoking with hypnosis sessions to ensure your success as a non-smoker. Call for rates – 678.744.9213.

A well-trained hypnotist will also include powerful suggestions when working with you to stop smoking with hypnosis to eliminate the desire to overeat or the increased desire for the flavor of sweets in the stop smoking session. This one simple technique helps people avoid weight gain experienced by those who stop smoking using other methods. People who are a little overweight before their stop smoking with hypnosis sessions will even find they shed weight after their stop smoking with hypnosis program is completed.

If you are thinking about quitting smoking, it is important for you to know that the stop smoking with hypnosis program can only help you quit smoking if you truly want to quit for the right reason. Even though they may sound good, some of the “wrong reasons” include: you are embarrassed by the habit, your spouse or kids are pressuring you to stop, your doctor wants you to stop, you are tired of burning holes in your furniture or clothes. If these reasonable reasons were “valid enough in your mind” to quit, you would already be a non-smoker.

If you can hold a cigarette in your hand, look at it and honestly say “I don’t like you and I don’t want you in my life anymore,” hypnosis is for you. This mental attitude allows the hypnosis suggestions to enter the your subconscious mind so that change can begin. The other “wrong reasons” can then become excellent support attitudes.

If you truly desire to stop smoking and can honestly say, “I don’t like you and I don’t want you in my life anymore”, then you have the greatest chance of becoming a healthy non-smoker for the rest of your life with our stop smoking with hypnosis program.

Ready for your appointment? Call 678.744.9213 now for more information, or click the “Schedule Now” button.