About Me

Atlanta Area Certified Hypnotherapist

About Me2021-12-20T23:57:59+00:00

My Path to Becoming a Hypnotherapist

What is a Southern girl, born in Marietta, Georgia, doing working in the field of Hypnotherapy? My mother certainly wasn’t happy when I told her I was going to start a career as a hypnotist. Her first words were, “What AM I going to tell my friends you do for a living?” My answer was simple. Help people.

Every road I have taken, every obstacle I have tackled and overcome, everything I have learned in the past brought me here… to my Right Path.

For years I navigated my personal life and the world of business, sometimes with great success, others not so much. Every twist, every turn in my life has led me to hypnosis, and my hypnotist, Laura King, who helped me navigate so many things. Hypnosis truly changed my life! And now helping others in this profound way is my mission.

From window washing to applying tint to car windows, working mostly with car dealerships, which lead to being in the lighting energy management business. I contracted with General Electric (yes, GE, the lighting manufacturer) on retrofitting the lighting in their three headquarters buildings in Connecticut at the height of that business venture. I sold that business and then went on to other interesting business ventures. There were even a couple of stints as a consultant on various projects working with a great mentor of mine, Richard Rakowski, and two years at GNC working on new designer stores.

I accepted challenges without knowing the “how” and figured it out along the way.

In exploring the business world, I met wonderful people. Some, like Richard Rakowski, who would resurface. In 2001 Richie commissioned me to do life-sized sculptures of his twins. The two boys and their dog, Spunky Bella, were the first attempt at sculpture since college. Twenty-three years and I said yes to the challenge… and I had no idea if I could even sculpt anymore! Two boys and a dog led to many others, a few of which are shown below.

Richard Rakowski knew my curiosity, creativity, and drive to accomplish the seemingly impossible was needed, and he brought me on the design and build a new Medi-spa concept in a salon spa his company had purchased. The photos below are from a Medi Spa in West Palm Beach that was born out of “Nature within the Human Form” and the vision came to life as I put pencil to paper. The architect made the plan feasible, and I managed the construction. I can’t say it was easy – what I can say is that seeing it come to life was very satisfying!

Along the way, I was even inspired to work with our church pastor to deliver the amazing message, “Where is God when we are broken?” in the form of a mosaic. Each piece used has a short anonymous prayer written on the front or back of the broken tiles. It took a year. Some of the prayers broke my heart. The result is pictured below: a 4′ x 8′ mosaic of our Lord Jesus with the cross that now resides in Lost Mountain Baptist Church in Powder Springs. On the back of the floating frame Steve and I built I wrote all of the “Ask and it shall be given” verses, my favorite being Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” This truly aligns with the work I do with every client, and for myself.

When the Advanced Aesthetics ran its course, I started working with Steve Storey, my heart husband I met only because of hypnosis, in his landscape design and construction company. He is amazing at what he does – and his computer skills are nil! I helped digitize his presence and created spreadsheets on which to do proposals. We had a drought, 600-year floods, and then record freezing temperatures; and then the economy turned. It became apparent that we needed another stream of income, and my dear friend and hypnotist Laura King hired me to run her office remotely.

Armed with a cell phone and computer, I learned how to manage a very busy hypnotherapy business. A little over a year later Laura taught her first certification class and the rest is history! My journey here was not always easy, and still has its ups and downs, yet all along I was on my Right Path leading me to exactly where I am needed and will choose to remain as long as I have a voice!

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Hypnosis – A Christian Perspective

By |September 19th, 2024|Categories: Angela's Blog Posts|

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