Christianity and Hypnosis – Isn’t That Like Oil and Water?

Have you ever seen hypnosis portrayed negatively through media and entertainment? This is unfortunate, and can be an obstacle for hypnotists in Marietta and everywhere else. Hypnosis is sometimes thrown in with clairvoyants, mind-readers, fortune tellers, seances and Ouija boards. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Like every career path, there are good and bad individuals. Financial advisors come to mind – the majority do everything they can to protect and grow their clients’ assets. Then there are the evil ones, the fraudsters like Bernie Madoff who steal vast sums of money. They are outliers and very few and far between.


When you work with me, whether you schedule in-person hypnotherapy in Marietta or remotely vie Zoom, FaceTime or phone, you will find that I am fascinated with how amazingly, truly wondrously made we are. Each of us is so unique. Your experiences, your perspective, your fingerprints are yours and yours alone. And did you know that no one has ever had YOUR fingerprints in the history of mankind, and no one ever will?

There’s More to You Than Meets the Eye!

I meet everyone where they are and never try to force my beliefs on anyone. I just want everyone to know how special they are! The majority of my clients would agree that we are more than just our physical body. As I see it, we are a 3-part beings with a body, a spirit, and a soul. Now here is where it gets really interesting. At the core of your being is your soul, which is the mind, will, and emotion. The soul connects the brain, heart and the gut. I never really heard this growing up, or if I did, I certainly did not know what it meant.

The mind combines brain, heart and gut neurology and the soul is much like your personal book of your life. Each page is filled with your experiences, your decisions, your emotions – your life. From the joyful to the dark moments and everything in between. Your soul and spirit are connected, but are not the same.

This is not to confuse the organs we call the brain, heart, and stomach (digestive tract). The brain has the neurology – the neurons that are firing together – that we think of as the active mind. Interestingly, the heart also has a well organized brain of about 40,000 neurons (three types). You may also have heard the gut referred to as the second brain, and this is because of the built in enteric nervous system.

How does all of this have anything to do with hypnosis? Hypnosis allows access to be able to release those things written into our soul, the patterns – the habits, the old stories we have told ourselves over and over about our worth or what we can do – in order to create new and healthier ways of living.

Are You Ready to Start Navigating Your Journey Through Life with a New Perspective?

If you are ready to rewrite your story to create a happier, healthier, and more successful future, set up a consultation or sign up for your Intake and First Session now. I will meet you where you are in your walk and help you make the positive changes you desire no matter your beliefs.

If you a Christian and seeking a Christian hypnotherapist in Marietta, you are in the right place. Let’s talk so you can learn how hypnotherapy will help you!

678.744.9213 call/text

Written by : Angella

Angella Ocheltree has been involved with hypnosis since 2003, and became a Certified Hypnotherapist practicing full time since 2012 in the metro Atlanta area.

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